Help your dancers shine onstage

Even though your preschool dancers will most likely stand in one line onstage, they need to practice getting to that position, and holding their spacing.

Here are some tips for helping them understand how to enter the stage: 

  1.  In the studio, have them hold hands and walk to one side of the room.

  2. If not too dark, turn off the lights as the stage will be dim when entering.

  3. Lead the dancers “onstage” holding the first dancer’s hand and walking them to their position.

  4. Have the dancers stop, let go of hands, and find their “starting position.”

  5. Turn on the studio lights and say “dancers go!”

  6. Most likely they will bunch up into each other the first time they practice this. Make sure to have them do it again so they can practice it the correct way.

Meet Tiffany Henderson 

Tiffany Henderson is an industry leader and dance business expert. Tiffany owns and operates multiple Tiffany's Dance Academy locations in Northern California. Her video-based teacher training system and curriculum, Twinkle Star Dance, is currently implemented in 300+ dance studios worldwide.

Prepare and Set the Tone for a Great Preschool Class!

Preschool dancers will imitate your energy and intention. If you are stressed, they will be as well. Make sure to create a peaceful, inviting classroom environment as your dancers enter your dance studio. Here are some tips for setting the right tone for your classes.

  1.  Arrive early to prepare yourself for the class - check music playlists, test sound, and review your lesson plan elements. Preparing yourself will ease your stress and allow for more attention on the dancers.

  2. Review class roster to review dancer names and check for any new or trialing dancers.

  3. Pre-set your dance shoes and any personal items you need for the class.

  4. Have soft, engaging music playing.

  5. Check dance studio lighting and remove anything in the studio that might distract the dancers.

  6. Greet dancers by name at the class room door with a warm smile and welcome. Soften your voice and model the energy you want them to match as they enter.

Meet Tiffany Henderson 

Tiffany Henderson is an industry leader and dance business expert. Tiffany owns and operates multiple Tiffany's Dance Academy locations in Northern California. Her video-based teacher training system and curriculum, Twinkle Star Dance, is currently implemented in 300+ dance studios worldwide.

Keeping your preschool dancers engaged as you enter Recital Season

Do you have trouble keeping your youngest dancers' attention in class while preparing them for recital? Try these tips for keeping your classes fun and engaging all year round.

1. Add in Seasonal “follow me” dances that can easily be added to your class without taking up too much “recital prep” time. 

In April we add our “Bunny Hop” dances each week to add in Springtime fun. A “follow me” dance is one that can be easily executed just by watching the dance teacher with repetitive phrases and a standard chorus.  

2. Take challenging steps or phrases from the recital dance and add it into other parts of the class. 

For example if the challenging phrase is an Irish tap step, make sure to add that into your tap warm up and at the tap barre for extra practice. This will make more time for adding in the fun seasonal dances that keep your classes magical!

Meet Tiffany Henderson 

Tiffany Henderson is an industry leader and dance business expert. Tiffany owns and operates multiple Tiffany's Dance Academy locations in Northern California. Her video-based teacher training system and curriculum, Twinkle Star Dance, is currently implemented in 300+ dance studios worldwide.

Save $100 on Attendee Fees

Make the vital decision to hit reset this summer in order to benefit your business, yourself, and your entire staff.

Pinnacle is designed to help studio owners build a strong recreational student base by implementing proven systems to streamline their dance studio.

Our inspiring two-day conference benefits studio owners, teachers, and administrators alike in an intimate, retreat conference setting.​

  • Experience Fresh Class Content, Curriculum, and Choreography

  • Access to Dance Studio Business Strategies and Trends

  • Outsource with Proven Systems and Industry Trade Secrets 

  • Recharge with Fun, Themed Events

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Meet Tiffany Henderson 

Tiffany Henderson is an industry leader and dance business expert. Tiffany owns and operates multiple Tiffany's Dance Academy locations in Northern California. Her video-based teacher training system and curriculum, Twinkle Star Dance, is currently implemented in 300+ dance studios worldwide.


Do you struggle to get your littlest dancers to learn and perfect their annual recital dances? Here are some tips on how to make your youngest dancers shine:

Have the dancers sit down in a circle or line and go over just the arms for your recital dance. 

Make sure to match words, or sing the recital dance song as you are going over the arm movements, and have the dancers sing with you.  This will help alleviate any distractions while standing. 

After you ‘Sing the Arms” stand up and add the arms and feet together. 

Remember if they can say it they can do it!

Meet Tiffany Henderson 

Tiffany Henderson is an industry leader and dance business expert. Tiffany owns and operates multiple Tiffany's Dance Academy locations in Northern California. Her video-based teacher training system and curriculum, Twinkle Star Dance, is currently implemented in 300+ dance studios worldwide.