Use the Twinkle Star Dance method at your studio to quickly increase enrollment, retention, and bring in thousands of additional revenue dollars for your studio!
This preschool age video-based dance curriculum is key to ensuring the long term success of your studio's dance program. Your teachers will love it, your dancers will beg to come back for more, and the parent satisfaction will increase to make running your studio a more enjoyable and fulfilling experience for you.

There are four pillars of Twinkle Star Dance that make up the Twinkle Star Method.
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Tiffany Henderson is the owner and operator of seven demographically different Tiffany’s Dance Academy locations in Northern California, a nationally recognized business expert and lecturer on dance business, and the founder of the Twinkle Star Dance program implemented in over 300 dance studios worldwide.
subscriber reviews and results!
“The curriculum is exciting for preschoolers and easy to streamline with my staff. We were profitable in our first year.“
Stefanie Valentine
Twinkle Star Dance Academy Seminole, Florida
“The support allowed me to take a more hands-off role as a studio owner. I picked TSDA for its practical tools and resources that made a positive impact on my studio's success.“
Julie Dickens
Twinkle Star Dance Academy Frisco, Texas
“The personal step-by-step approach provided by the franchise has truly made the process of opening a second dance studio incredibly easy. The support and guidance, coupled with their amazing curriculum and marketing assistance, played a pivotal role in the swift success of our new studio. We are 200 students and growing!“
Elizabeth DeRusha
Twinkle Star Dance Academy Plano, Texas
“ Twinkle Star Dance has brought structure and consistency to my studio. Tiffany taught us how to focus more on our recreational dancers. Two years ago we had 199 students. 95 were under the age of 6. Today we have 450 students. 275 are under the age of 6. The TSD program allows me to know what is going on in all my kid classes. The parents LOVE it! My teachers all enjoy using the program. They can access the videos when it is convenient for them. The only regret I have is not implementing TSD sooner. “
Kelly Pfeiffer
Megleo's School of Dance
“ After attending the Twinkle Star Dance conference in Las Vegas, we put everything we had into the Twinkle Star Dance Program. We left the conference with a refueled passion for teaching dance. Since then we have more than tripled our students, have a continued waiting list for our classes, and upgraded our studio from 400 square feet to 5000 square feet! Thank you Twinkle Star Dance for changing the future of our studio! “
Terri Anderson
Sister Act Dance Academy, Brownsburg, IN
“ We are 7 months into our first year, with a student base of 80 dancers, and new registrations daily. This would not have been possible without the help of Twinkle Star Dance. With resources like this, I manage to run my studio and have time to spend with my family. “
Kelsey Burke
The PEAK School of Dance, Colorado Springs, CO
“ I attended the Twinkle Star Dance Annual Conference last year and I couldn't wait to get home and implement everything I had learned. Word is spreading that we have something new, fun, and unique in our area that is flooded with dance studios. All of our classes filled by January and we are now starting waiting lists for 3 new classes! This is truly the best investment I have ever made in my 26 years as a studio owner. “
Tara Dilley
AllthatJazz Dance Centre, West Chester, OH
“ I have been so thankful for Twinkle Star Dance! Not only has it helped increase my revenue, it has increased our professionalism with dress code, website and marketing images and has allowed me to network with successful, supportive and passionate women! I am on the road to pay myself this next season which has not happened in 4 years! “
Samantha Sandefur
CDS Performing Arts, Billings, MT
“ Since subscripting to the Twinkle Star program in 2013 we have been extremely successful. I was able to hire 3 more employees and expand my business from 3 rooms to 5 rooms. We the help of the Twinkle Star starter kit, curriculum, and guidance, we opened a new location and went from 0 to 53 students in 30 days. It’s easy to train new hires with the curriculum and videos, and we can assign choreography to our instructors for our shows and costumes. “
Elizabeth Ercilia
Fancy Feet Dance Academy, Sacramento, CA
“ We were missing the mark in the 2-6 year old bracket in our town. We barely had enough students to hold classes. Now they are our most popular classes and have brought in so much energy new families and new teachers. It has saved the future of my studio and made us a more well rounded studio catering to all ages! It's put us back on the map and helped make me more revenue than I even imagined! “
Rebecca Kufeld
High Desert Dance Co
“ I am in an area of Australia that is saturated with dance studios and the Twinkle Star Dance™ program allows me to provide quality, age-appropriate, fun, exciting and stimulating classes to students without needing to reinvent the wheel! “
Sally Foster
Sally K Dance, Emu Plains NSW Australia