The Power of Suggestion in your Dance Studio

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Happy Friday!

I was working with a studio owner this week through Tiffany’s Diamond Circle and they brought up some unresolved fears they had as a business owner. It boiled down to the students at their school not really showing the level of knowledge they expected them to on stage at the recital.  

I think we can all agree that this time of year we find ourselves reevaluating our businesses and wondering how we can continue to grow and attract new customers as we enter next season. The world around us is changing so rapidly, studio owners have to come up with new ways to reach our target customer - the millennial mom.  

Today, I want to share something I imparted on my staff called the power of suggestion. Our entire campaign about registering for the new dance season was built on getting as many students as possible to take two classes (or more) per week. Spoiler alert: it worked!   

Many times potential customers call the studio and they always ask “How many classes should they take?” (listen for this and you will hear it now). Usually my staff responded with something along the lines of most dancers take dance once a week. This year we changed our tune and said most dancers take two.

Registration Day at my studios was on Thursday, April 25 and we created a buzz! We made our online schedule viewable two weeks prior; we passed out dancer evaluations with recommended classes for next season; we offered our best promotion of the year.

Then all of the content we put out around registration day was about the two classes per week being the Best Value and what the Benefits for the Dancer are. We created an infographic and shared it on our website, across our social media pages, and on the email blast about registration being open.

“Skill is gained by consistently pushing the limits of your ability, failing, and trying again. And again. The more you do this, the more skill you build.  If you are only taking one dance class, once a week, there is a limit on how fast your dancer will gain skill. Taking two dance classes per week will increase skill-building opportunities immensely!” Check out the full blog post from here.   

I’m curious to know, what are some ways market for your new dance season? Do you offer a promotion to create a sense of urgency?

Best, Tiffany

Want more dance studio business practices to put in place this season? Catch Tiffany at the Twinkle Star Dance Annual Conference July 12-14 in Orlando.