Preparing for “March Madness” in your Dance Studio
Amanda Scott, Twinkle Star Dance
February seems to be the time of year when all worlds collide in a dance studio.
As a studio owner, You are finalizing details for this year’s recitals - costuming, ticketing, show orders, dress rehearsal; You are editing music; You are coming up with new themes, graphics, lesson plans, ordering crafts, scheduling, and marketing for summer camp; You are beginning choreography for your recreational dancers and cleaning choreography for your competitive dancers; You are editing music again (you can’t come up with two more eight counts of choreography after all); You are putting the schedule together for next season; You are hiring new teachers and administrative staff; You are training new teachers; You are waking up in the middle of the night to add to your to-do list; You are thinking up new promotions to get students to return next season; You are BURNT OUT.
And yet You are also expected to figure out how to get new students enrolled through the end of this month and cross your fingers, knock on wood, three calls to the costume companies later *hopefully* get them a costume so they can participate in your recital.
Help us, help you. Twinkle Star Dance is the proven dance studio business model to help you earn a comfortable living doing what you love, Teaching Dance!
Over the last five years, Twinkle Star Dance has transformed over 300 dance studio owners’ lives. Studios have gone from on the verge of shutting their doors to tripling in enrollment and classes with waitlists. But don’t just take our word for it, listen to one of our early subscribers, Elizabeth owner of Fancy Feet Dance Academy in Sacramento, CA, share her success.
With Twinkle Star Dance Fancy Feet Dance Academy more than doubled their enrollment at their main location, allowing Elizabeth to hire 3 additional full-time teachers. Elizabeth also had a vision to expand her studio and serve more dancers in her area. We are happy to share that Fancy Feet Dance Academy recently expanded to its second location and gained 53 new students in just 30 days because of the Twinkle Star Dance program.
“Fancy Feet Dance Academy is an environment where ages 2- teens can express and grow through music and dance. The studio provides both a competitive and non-competitive environment where dancers are encouraged to open their minds and hearts to dance.
We are all students of dance, of performance, and of life. Through this shared learning experience, we strive to inspire our students and be inspired by our students. Living, learning, teaching, creating, and developing an appreciation for dance. Our studio focuses on not only dance skills but creative movement, original choreography, dance as art and gently encourages your child’s self-esteem with the joy of dance. We offer two optional recitals per year, our holiday show in December and June recital. Our community performance include State Fair, Parades, and East Sacramento events.
Since subscripting to the Twinkle Star Dance program in 2013, we have been extremely successful. I was able to hire 3 more employees and expand my business from 3 rooms to 5 rooms during our busy hours. With the help of the twinkle star starter kit, curriculum, and guidance we opened a new location and went from 0 students to 53 in 30 days. It is easy to train new hires with the curriculum and videos. We can assign choreography to our instructors for our shows and costumes. It is so much less stressful as a studio owner. Our revenue has doubled with all the ideas, curriculum, camps, father daughter, share the love marketing, etc. As a studio owner I don’t have the time to come up with graphics and camps year after year. Graphic designers are expensive and that is just one extra thing. I am very happy to have the TSD gallery to choose from over 50 graphics. I feel that Tiffany and her team are motivating and keep me on track with monthly subscriber meetings and emails to remind us of upcoming ideas/updates. It is easy to find them, post them, and be done within 5 minutes.
I also attend the Twinkle Star Dance Conference and they have been extremely helpful and worth it. I was able to take my 3 of my instructors to New Orleans and they loved it. I recommend subscribing to the program if you haven’t already.“
Thank you,
Miss Elizabeth, Owner/Creative Director
Fancy Feet Dance Academy
Join Elizabeth and 300+ other dance studio owners in the Twinkle Star Dance community. Still on the fence, register for the all new Pinnacle Dance Conference and Retreat July 10-12, 2020 at the Four Seasons Resort at Troon North in Scottsdale, AZ and gain exclusive behind the scenes access to Tiffany Henderson and the Twinkle Star Dance Method.